
Media in transition: a battle for talent and audience

The media landscape has transformed drastically over the past decade, evolving in technology, platforms, and storytelling. But how have these changes shaped audience expectations and habits? How can media companies stay ahead and attract the talent necessary for innovation? An enlightening talk show on Kanaal Z recently delved into these issues.

Watch our talk show, that was aired 13-17 May 2024 on Kanaal Z, to get an answer to following questions:

  • How do we consume media?
  • How does the rapidly evolving gaming sector experience these shifts?
  • Do these evolutions stimulate increasing and accelerated 
  • How do the changing habits impact media companies?
  • How significant is the interest in AI within the sector?
  • What new profiles do they need?
  • How are media companies investing in the immersive
    experience of viewers?

We also made a 10 page pdf for you with all the highlights of this broadcast.


Francesca VanthielenFrancesca Vanthielen



RobertRobert van Beurden
Robert is a media & broadcasting expert at LCL Data Centers. He has more than 20 years’ experience in the telecom and media business and understands better than anyone the opportunities and challenges for media companies.

Jonathan Van de Velde-1Jonathan Van de Velde
As Program and Communications Director, Jonathan drives innovation through MediaNet Flanders, a cross-media consultation platform that brings together more than 80 companies & organisations actively engaged in content creation and distribution within the media sector.

Natascha RommensNatascha Rommens

Partnerships Manager, Flanders Game Hub


Lieven De MarezLieven De Marez

Professor - Research Director, imec-mict-Ugent Digimeter 

Laurent Petit 2Laurent Petit

SVP Markets & Business Alliances, EVS Broadcast Equipment



Watch the video and download the pdf report